As from the Times article:

Cosmologists often refer to this possibility as “the ultimate Copernican revolution”: not only are we not at the center of anything; we’re not even made of the same stuff as most of the rest of everything. “We’re just a bit of pollution,” Lawrence M. Krauss, a theorist at Case Western Reserve, said not long ago at a public panel on cosmology in Chicago. “If you got rid of us, and all the stars and all the galaxies and all the planets and all the aliens and everybody, then the universe would be largely the same. We’re completely irrelevant.”

There is a serious problem in science today. No one really thinks about it but scientists. We are at the edge of a Copernican revolution. Imagine a world that understood everything. This is how they felt during then as well. That nearly everything they knew was going to be known.

Now I know not everything can be known everything but it is something to try and imagine. The world we live in is in serious turmoil. What is the next step?

Try to think of the world as it is today. A world were ideas can flow freely (Internet) and people can travel extremely quickly across what we had always thought as vast distances. According to Moore’s Law we are reaching a point in our world that our technology will double nearly every day in our life time. Try and imagine a world that our top of the line computer is simply a dud the day it is made. The world is moving at such a speed that nothing can keep up with it. I keep referring to technology as the world because it is the force in which our world revolves.

The power of technology, in our life time, will reach a point where we, as human beings, would have to become autonomous. A free flowing thought machine that worked in a way that one mind might work. The world will have to become a mind. Not in the way the Borg is a mind, but in the way a mind is. Every person in the world becoming another feed into the strength of the entirety. Some will not be a part of the whole, but progress will make headway.

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Dark Matter

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March 13th, 2007


