There is this weird connection that I get when playing online. It’s not really of true friendship, nor is it a distant aquantence that you nod to on the street. 95% of the people that I talk to on a daily basis online I would never know if I saw them on the street. Only a hand full I may notice because I’ve seen pictures but nothing that I could tell a sketch artist.

I don’t sit in a random chat room talking to strangers. These are people that I have, in a way, gotten to know over a full year period. The strangest thing is I’m not sure I would have enjoyed my last year in college as much without them. I confided in a few, and even would tell them things I wouldn’t tell a best friend (and didn’t). Maybe there is something that could be said about the faceless disconnection and how I fell like I can say anything to a person that way.

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May 21st, 2008


