When I sit out on the desk its not hard to see why people love the city. It’s not really about the fresh air, because as my sister tells it – it smells like burning tires and garbage. Now I’m not sure if I agree with that, but I do think there are some places a stench so horrendously bad that it has to push through the concrete. But the mornings are something else. It’s mid spring and the sun feels like a warm bath, its not like the summer sun that forces you to seek shelter. The wind is smooth and cool, but not so cool that it makes you shiver. It’s the type of cool that brushes off some of the hot sun and sooths you.
The city has a strange feeling in the morning too though. Maybe its just a Sunday, but it’s like there is something resting and relaxed about it. Now I’m sure there are some people having a fire or got shot or something somewhere in the millions of people living here, but I don’t think they can ignore the feeling. That might just pile on top of their anxieties, knowing full well that there are people like me sitting around typing stupid nonsense like this out.
It’s nice, and I think this is the “just right” place for me.

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In the morning

Posted on

June 1st, 2008


