originally uploaded by Jacob D.

When you go for a walk with a camera you seem to find things that you never really look at before. You see things diffrently than you have before. You are ready for what interesting things the world throws at you.

Pictures freeze a single moment in time; be it friends, buildings, landscapes. Those things are stuck forever, you have it for ever(ish). The strange thing about photos are that no one can ever take the same picture you took, it may look the same, but the memories wont carry through.

I leave you with this one thing: Do something that makes you happy, something that makes you feel like you have done something in a day. It makes you feel better everyday.




When you have a gun in your face you say yes and no when your are supposed to. That is unless you have nothing to lose.

Did I? Yeah. I had a lot to lose. I have a family now.

Well, she got all the information she wanted from me.

I can’t tell you what she asked. For that I have to plead the fifth.

She must have broke in or something, I’m not real sure. But she knew where my office was, because no one else saw her.

What’s that?

No, I was working on some things and didn’t notice her until she was holding the gun to my temple. She wanted to know about things that no one knew about.

No, never saw her before. Hell, hopefully won’t see her again. She said she got all she needed from me. Did you guys?

Spill it. That’s what you want me to do isn’t it? You want me to tell you everything that I know. Well I can’t. I told her I wouldn’t.

What’s that? Who is “her”? No one, well at least to you.

No, I can’t tell you.

Oh yeah, hit me then, I have rights.

Ow! Shit man. You can’t hit me. Fuck you. Alright! Alright! I’ll let you know what I know. Just don’t hit me. Jesus. Her name though I can’t tell you.

Look I just can’t. You want me to tell it or not?

That’s what I thought. It was twenty miles from this very spot that I knew she was going to be trouble. It was a bar called “The Station.” It was this normal bar, I’m sure you of all people have heard of it.

No? Well doesn’t matter if you know the place or not. That doesn’t even matter that much. But this bar was the place that I would go by after work and have a smoke before I went home. I would go there because I my old lady didn’t like me smoking. So I would have a drink and tell her that the guy next to me was smoking.


No. I wouldn’t want to tell her.

Just because, alright man? Can I continue?

Well, I was in there the other day and I was in the middle of my smoke watching the pretty bar tender walk back and forth. Taking order from people and reaching in the well and all that.

Yeah, I’m getting on with it, leave me alone.

So as I was sitting there this girl walks up, ya know the one you guys want to know about, well she comes in and sits next to me. Not like I was going to pick her up or anything, I mean look at me, on top of that I’m a married man. But still, she gave me a smile, she seemed pretty nice at the time.

No, she wasn’t a blonde.

No, I can’t tell you what she looked like. Then you would get that sketch artist guy in here all making her up. I’m sure there is a guy back there now listing to this whole thing, like there is on TV.

Really, there isn’t. Why do I find that hard to believe?

Yeah, I’m getting on with it. So anyway as I was saying, she walked in and grabbed the chair next to me. She didn’t talk to me or nothing but she knew I was sitting there. So I leaned over toward her a bit and said a real friendly hello. She said a nice one right back to me and I said something about the weather. That was it.

No man. I didn’t get her name.

Yeah well, I was lying then.

Can I go now?

And why not, I mean I told you all I know.

Well, I didn’t know she did that. I’ll give you her first name. It’s Tuesday.

A description? Brown hair, short, looked cute, puffy cheeks. That is all I know now alright?

What do you mean?


Shit man. She didn’t say nothing about any of that. She doesn’t even look like the type.

I swear I just talked to her for a few minutes at the bar.

Well, it was my third day at the number one retail store in America. All I really think about while I work is how they got there. They aren’t really that clean, they have pretty piss poor service, and organization in the store is really bad too. It has to just be the “low prices” which they are slowly losing too. They used to be the place to go when you wanted anything cheap. So, will Wal-Mart last? In some states Wal-Mart out employs more people than the government. I think no, they aren’t going anywhere, they just will evolve.

The people know this too, its weird. I don’t think a monkey would have much of a problem to do my job. I’m not even kidding either, I seriously think I could personally train it to do so, though I’m not a monkey trainer. Maybe an orangutan. Either way, the job is a joke. Everyone knows the entire store is a joke, so are the jobs.  

Jesus Christ, it smells like shit near your bother’s door. I’m sure he’s heard that enough over the years. For some reason he even switched with his brother, rooms that is.
Andrew is a confusing fellow. I moved in across the street from him and became good friends with him, and then that faded, then became friends with him again, and then again we lost touch, then one last time we became friends, and have been sense. I feel bad for the times I was a real A class ass hole to him, but I can’t take any of it back, and I’m sure he knows I feel that way.
I’m not sure but his parents are killing him, or at least socially.

If you do one thing in a day let it be for someone else.
If you do two things in a day let the second be for you.

Two ‘d’s, two. He was the only good friend I had that lived on the same street I did then. Soon Kent would take up the house next door.
     Legos, that was our thing. Underwater Legos to be more exact. We would always ask for underwater sets that each had yet to get, we would plan out which one of us would get a particular set. His house was a lot like mine, it was almost exactly like my house. I got dared to kiss some girl Trish in his sister’s room, it never happened.
     He left and so did our friendship. I got to see him on his birthday’s but I was the oldest friend there. It was weird, but I didn’t care. Then I learned to drive and he did too, so the distance became less, and we grew close again.
     He is part of the ‘family.’

It was something about him that made me feel as if I knew him already. He was the first person I meet in my new neighborhood. I was shooting baskets and was snooping around on his bike riding by, looking to see if any kids his age were moving in.
Matt had been the one who introduced me to everyone in the neighborhood. He was the nicest guy, but also the weakest. Someone would say something and Matt would add what he felt would make him look cool.
I haven’t talked to him in a very long time, but last I heard he was studying to be a youth minister. He had a look in his eye trying to find the kid I was, and I looked at him with disbelief trying to find the same thing.
Now he will be God’s King Caller.

The block is cooler now. He’s gone and everyone is glad for it. He was a real A class jack ass, but he was a friend of mine. He was that one kid in the cul-de-sac that every parent knew he was trouble, well at least to their kids.
     He was the oldest kid on the block and I was cool enough to be his friend. Johnny, he was something. Everyone wanted to be as cool as him, or at least tired.
     Johnny was the one who introduced me to pot. It was turning winter and he and I went out on my patio. My mom worked like a slave, and was almost never home. He lit something I had thought was nothing more than just a strong cigarette.

     I knew I was getting stone out of my mind when Johnny had pulled a bong out. I had used it before in his room. We were out in the tent with Boner. A friend of Johnny’s I had meet through him. He was a character alright, we all were. Everything was always funny when hanging with Johnny. Boner was the tallest guy I had meet, and he had a head of hair to boot. He was something else.
     I couldn’t imagine spending my time doing much of anything else then sitting in a tent with two good friend and a bong with out any water in it. “It hits harder when you make like this sound” says Johnny, and he makes a noise that could only be described as a man pushing a shit out. It worked, or so I had told myself.

     He was a good friend, not the best. But one my favorite.

Here we stand. 14 pages in and more to come, I’ll finish.

I Looked back at the work I’ve done thus far for class, and I’ve come a long way with out even knowing it.